Elevate Your Core Strength

We are excited to start a new core series on Y@HOME. In this series, we will be highlighting a new core pose every week. You can expect a sequence of simple, easy-to-follow moves helpful for anyone looking to begin core training, or add a quick wellness break in their day.

The benefits of core training are many. Building a strong core will result in: better posture, decreased lower back pain, increased balance and stability, fall prevention, decreased risk of injury, and ease of movement in everyday life.

This week’s sequence is based around the bird dog (extension of one arm and the opposite leg) with the addition of a rotation and a knee-to-elbow touch. The bird dog is a gentle yet effective exercise and can be done safely by most individuals, including those in the postpartum stage of life. Performing the bird dog regularly can help increase stability, align the spine, and prevent lower back pain.

When performing this move, make sure your supporting knee is lined up directly under your hip and your supporting wrist is lined up directly under your shoulder. One arm and the opposite leg will extend, if that feels good, try the 45-degree rotation and elbow to knee tuck we have integrated into this week’s series.

If the bird dog feels challenging or uncomfortable, try breaking down the exercise; maybe practice extending one arm at a time without lifting a leg, and then extending one leg at a time without integrating an arm lift. Once that starts to feel good and secure, give the full bird dog a shot and see how it feels.

Remember to breathe deeply, move slowly and with control, and use options and modifications that make you feel successful and strong.

Have a question about core training, or anything else wellness-related?


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