For Your Core: Try This Powerhouse Move!

When done correctly and regularly, the plank will increase strength in the core, legs, back and arms. In this week’s series, we are focusing on the high plank (with arms extended).

The plank is one of the most effective and efficient moves to consider when working on building core strength. The plank is an example of an “isometric exercise”, which is an exercise with no visible external movement. While the movement here is minimal, there is significant muscular performance happening while your body attempts to stabilize you from head to toe.

We will start the series on our knees, and slowly with control, extend one knee at a time so that the leg is straight. Once you have mastered that, try extending both knees simultaneously for an increased challenge. If you are finding that the plank with both knees extended is not accessible for you yet, stick with one knee at a time. This is a really simple but powerful way to progress to a full plank.


There are a few important points to remember when you are performing a plank:

  • Wrists/elbows should be aligned directly under the shoulders. Wrist alignment too far forward or back from underneath the shoulder can cause stress and discomfort in the wrist and/or shoulders.

  • Lift your chin and focus your eye gaze approximately three inches ahead of the end of your fingertips. Letting the head hang and looking at the toes/knees while in plank is a very common mistake but can lead to strain in the neck and improper postural alignment. Chin up!

  • Squeeze your shoulder blades together and focus on a strong, flat upper back position.

  • Embrace the shake! You may feel some shaking in your muscles. Rest assured that this is normal and is actually a good thing; that shaking you are feeling is your body telling you that your muscles are working HARD!

With time, regular planking can result in a stronger body, reduced back pain, improved posture and greater balance and stability.

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