Keep moving with ParticipACTION & the YMCA
Winter 2022 Series

Low Intensity Strength
This strength training workout is gentle on your joints and effectively challenges your strength and endurance. Whether you’re getting back into a fitness routine, returning to exercise after injury or just starting out, choose the best variation demonstrated and get started today!
Length: 24:21 mins
Low Intensity Stretch
This workout benefits both mental and physical health. Completing a stretch workout first thing in the morning, following a bout of physical activity or after being sedentary can help increase blood flow to soft tissues, leaving you feeling invigorated yet relaxed!
Length: 18:07 mins

Gentle Strength Workout
This no-impact workout is designed to improve the range of motion around your joints. All the exercises in this video will have you safely moving, contracting and relaxing your muscles through a complete range of motion to increase fluid movement, strength and endurance. Whether performed seated or standing, this workout can help you restore, rejuvenate and grow so that you can live a better day!
Length: 25:26 mins
Cardio Stack Workout
Join the YMCA team for a cardio-focused body weight workout that introduces and adds each exercise individually to the “stack”, progressively increasing the amount of effort required in order to help challenge your cardiovascular strength and endurance. As the intensity builds, so does the fun!
Length: 24:25 mins

Strength Workout
Want to get your heart rate up while challenging your muscular strength and endurance? Then this workout is ideal for you! Join the YMCA team as they guide you through fast-paced exercises that you can perform seated or standing and with or without weights. They’ll challenge your technique while increasing your cardiovascular strength.
Length: 26:40 mins
Variable Intensity Interval Training Workout
Follow along with the YMCA team as they lead you through a series of varying-intensity body weight exercises. You can do them seated or standing, using your upper and/or lower body to help strengthen your heart and lungs, leading to a better day!
Length: 19:37 mins

Moderate Intensity Cardio Workout
When performed at moderate intensity, cardio-focused workouts can benefit your heart, lungs, muscles and mood! Join the YMCA team as they demonstrate cardio-focused, body weight exercises that can be done seated or standing. They’ll be sure to give your body and mind the pick-me-up it deserves!
Length: 23:36 mins
Moderate Intensity Strength Workout
Looking to increase your heart rate and challenge your entire body’s strength and endurance? Well, look no further — we’ve got the perfect workout for you! Follow along with the YMCA team as they demonstrate moderately paced exercises that you can do seated or standing and with or without weights to help you improve your technique while also increasing your cardiovascular strength and resilience.
Length: 22:43 mins
Winter 2021 Series
Series 1 features 3 videos with varying exercises from cardio training, to strength and endurance, to flexibility and balance, across differing intensity levels.
Series 2 features 5 workouts designed to improve overall fitness by challenging: balance and stability, muscle strength and endurance, flexibility, cardiovascular strength and endurance, as well as reactivity and agility.