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  • Challenge Yourself with a BOSU Ball Balance Workout

    Challenge Yourself with a BOSU Ball Balance Workout

    Want a challenging balance workout? Include a BOSU Ball! BOSU balls are a multi-functional piece of equipment that can challenge your balance and stability, adding another layer of difficulty to your regular workout

  • Easy stretches to do at your desk

    Easy stretches to do at your desk

    Sore back, neck, or shoulders from sitting at your desk all day? It's more common than you might think, even with the latest ergonomic chairs, desks and stands. The University of Toronto recommends that for every 20 minutes you spend sitting, you should stand for eight minutes, and stretch for another two. Bianca shows you six stretches for the entire body that you can easily do at your desk, home, or whenever you feel the the urge to stretch.

  • 10-Minute Morning Yoga Flow to Energize You

    10-Minute Morning Yoga Flow to Energize You

    Need a quick morning stretch? This quick flow will energize you, whether you're just getting out of bed, or want a quick pick-me-up during the day

  • Introduction to Classical Ballet - the Vaganova Method

    Introduction to Classical Ballet - the Vaganova Method

    Learn basic ballet positions with Maria! In this video, Maria will go over the five foot positions and three arm positions that form the core of every movement in #ballet. After learning the positions, you’ll practice a basic exercise to improve your balance.

    Find a cheat sheet detailing the foot and arm positions here!

  • How to: Plié, Jeté, and Tendu

    How to: Plié, Jeté, and Tendu

    Maria takes you through three core exercises fundamental to the Vaganova method. This short class features basic #ballet movements including pliés, jetés, and tendu. You’ll discover how to work in plié, combining various foot positions with arm and head movements, all of which work to support each other, for harmonious coordination of the body.

    Find a cheat sheet detailing the foot and arm positions here!

  • A Simple Ballet Warmup

    A Simple Ballet Warmup

    Practice a classical ballet warm-up with Maria! This warm-up puts into practice the theory we learned in the last video, combining pliés, jetés, and tendu.

    Find a cheatsheet detailing the basic arm and foot positions here!

  • Work through stability challenging planks, and isolated abdominal work with Shelley!

    Work through stability challenging planks, and isolated abdominal work with Shelley!

    In this workout, Shelley will guide you through some challenging planks to work on core stability..and then fire up the abs with some isolated Abdominal targeted floor work.

  • Train your ENTIRE Core with Fun Moves Using a Plate!

    Train your ENTIRE Core with Fun Moves Using a Plate!

    Train your core 360 degrees! This workout will challenge the entire core..Shoulder to hip, front, back and sides! This is a great workout for intermediate exercisers.

  • Short but Sweet: A 15 Minute Core Workout

    Short but Sweet: A 15 Minute Core Workout

    This 15 minute core workout can be done on it's own if you are short on time
    ...or stacked together with our 15 minute lower Body, and 15 minute upper body workouts
    to create a total body workout!

  • A Challenging Glider Workout!

    A Challenging Glider Workout!

    In this workout, Shelley uses gliders (or paper plates, socks) to create a challenging core workout. Exercises in this video are designed to challenge our experienced exerciser.

  • A 25 Minute Total Core Workout

    A 25 Minute Total Core Workout

    In this workout, Shelley keeps the rest times low and has exercises designed to challenge your entire core. This workout is ideal for our intermediate exerciser or for our beginners that are now ready to try a workout with a bit more difficulty.

  • A Floor Based Core Class!

    A Floor Based Core Class!

    Shelley has you do core work on a mat to help you engage and develop your entire core. Improve your control and activation of your abdominals, hips and low back while learning proper technique from Shelley. This is a great workout for beginners!

  • A Foundational Core Workout to Get You Started!

    A Foundational Core Workout to Get You Started!

    In this workout, Mike uses six foundational movements to help you start developing your core muscles. No equipment needed! Great exercise for beginners.

  • Next Level Core Work!

    Next Level Core Work!

    Shelley has you do core work on a mat to help you engage and develop your entire core. Improve your control and activation of your abdominals, hips and low back while learning proper technique from Shelley. This is a great workout for beginners!

  • One Minute Movements To Develop Your Core!

    One Minute Movements To Develop Your Core!

    In this workout Shelley has you perform each exercise for a minute and then gives you a generous rest break. This workout will help you develop core strength, endurance and improve the activation of all your core muscles.

  • 15 Minute Core Workout | 10 Different Plank Variations!

    15 Minute Core Workout | 10 Different Plank Variations!

    This 15 minute core workout is built on 10 variations of planks. Different progressions are shown so this workout is suitable for all exercises with experience. No equipment needed.

  • Use Sliders to Develop your Core!

    Use Sliders to Develop your Core!

    Shelley brings variety to your core routine by introducing movements that use sliding discs. Movements are dynamic and highly functional to help you take your core fitness to the next level! This workout is best for those who have exercise experience.

  • Fundamental Core Exercises for Beginners

    Fundamental Core Exercises for Beginners

    In this beginner friendly core class, Josh focuses on four fundamental movements to help you develop your core muscles and protect your low back/spine. Light dumbbells and a mat are recommended for you to get the most out of this class.

  • Dynamic Body Weight Core Workout

    Dynamic Body Weight Core Workout

    In this 20 minute core class, Gemma uses a mix of dynamic and functional exercises to help you improve your core activation and endurance. Options are shown to make this class perfect for both intermediate and advanced exercisers. No equipment needed.

  • Core Control!

    Core Control!

    In this core workout, Shelley challenges your ability to stabilize and activate your core muscles with intention. This workout is floor based and builds on a low number of exercises performed for several sets. Exciting variations are offered and no equipment is needed. Crunch and plank variations create the foundation for this workout. This workout is recommended for people with some exercise experience.

  • Take your Core to the Next Level with this Floor Routine!

    Take your Core to the Next Level with this Floor Routine!

    This core workout is just over 23 minutes in length and will challenge the intermediate to advanced participant. Shelley delivers a series of mat-based bodyweight exercises to help you develop your entire core. Planks create the foundation for this routine and you won't need any equipment. We do recommend you have a mat for comfort if possible.

  • A Challenging Floor Based Core Workout!

    A Challenging Floor Based Core Workout!

    In just over 20 minutes Shelley delivers an incredible floor based core workout. This workout is designed for intermediate to advanced exercisers. A mat and medium-sized towel are recommended for this workout but can be completed without.

  • YThrive CORE 10: 40 Minute Beginner Friendly Pilates Class

    YThrive CORE 10: 40 Minute Beginner Friendly Pilates Class

    Join us for a 40 minute beginner-friendly pilates class. The class will develop your core, postural muscles while also developing flexibility and reducing tension in the body. It's delivered in a beginner-friendly format. A mat and towel (or small pillow) is recommended to get the most out of this session.

  • YThrive CORE 9: Intermediate to Advanced 20 Minute Core with No Impact

    YThrive CORE 9: Intermediate to Advanced 20 Minute Core with No Impact

    Join us for a 20 minute core workout with challenging body weight movements. This workout is designed for intermediate to advanced exercises that do not have any core issues. The approach for the workout is a 6 exercise circuit based on you performing 15 repetitions per exercise.

  • YThrive CORE 8:  20 Minute Mix of Poses and Exercises to Challenge your Core

    YThrive CORE 8: 20 Minute Mix of Poses and Exercises to Challenge your Core

    Join us for a 20-minute core workout delivered with the feel and flow of yoga. Make no mistake, Sandra offers challenging options and poses to help you develop your core strength and endurance. No equipment needed.

  • YThrive CORE 7: V Sit, Plank & Crunch Variations for your Core

    YThrive CORE 7: V Sit, Plank & Crunch Variations for your Core

    Build core strength as you progress through this intermediate core workout. Modifications are provided for each exercise for easy to implement progressions. V-Sits, planks, and crunch variations create the foundation for this workout.

  • YThrive CORE 6: 7 Minute Core Focusing on Abdominals and Low Back

    YThrive CORE 6: 7 Minute Core Focusing on Abdominals and Low Back

    Join us for a 7-minute mini circuit ab and low back session. Low impact, ideal for beginner to intermediate audiences. A handheld weight or object will allow you to increase the difficulty of the oblique twists in this routine.

  • YThrive CORE 5: A 20 Minute Intense Core Circuit Workout, Body Weight Only

    YThrive CORE 5: A 20 Minute Intense Core Circuit Workout, Body Weight Only

    Join us for a 20 minute workout designed around total body movements with a focus on developing core muscles. This workout is a challenging endurance circuit using only body weight.

  • YThrive CORE 4: 10 minute Intermediate Core Workout

    YThrive CORE 4: 10 minute Intermediate Core Workout

    Join us for a 10 Minute Core workout targeting exercisers with an established habit of regular exercise. This is a floor based workout sure to challenge all your core muscles!

  • YThrive CORE 3: 15 Minute Core Workout

    YThrive CORE 3: 15 Minute Core Workout

    Join us today for a 15 minute Core workout to target your abdominal and postural muscles. Suitable for beginners and those with some exercise experience. No equipment needed.

  • YThrive CORE 2: 20 Minute Advanced Core Workout

    YThrive CORE 2: 20 Minute Advanced Core Workout

    Join us for a 20 minute core workout with an intermediate to advanced audience in mind. Let's challenge those abdominal and postural muscles. No equipment necessary, a small handheld object can be used to intensify some movements.

  • YThrive CORE 1: 10 Minute Beginner Core Workout

    YThrive CORE 1: 10 Minute Beginner Core Workout

    Join us for a 10 minute Core workout to target your abdominal and postural muscles. Suitable for beginners and those with some exercise experience. No equipment needed.

  • Total Body Stretch In Just 10 Minutes!

    Total Body Stretch In Just 10 Minutes!

    This short stretch video is a great compliment to add in after your favourite workout! This is a total body stretch that will help reduce tension, soreness and improve range of motion in your ankles, knees, hips, shoulders and wrists. A comfy mat is recommended.

  • A Stretch to Open Up Your Hips!

    A Stretch to Open Up Your Hips!

    In this stretching session, Gemma gives you a session that has enhanced focus on opening up your hips and releasing tension. If you do a lot of walking, running, dance or cycling this will be a great session for you to release your hips! This is a great stretch for intermediate or advanced exercisers.

  • Low Intensity Stretch with ParticipACTION

    Low Intensity Stretch with ParticipACTION

    In partnership with ParticipACTION, join the YMCA Team for a low intensity workout that benefits both mental and physical health. Completing a stretch workout first thing in the morning, following a bout of physical activity, or after being sedentary, can help increase blood flow to soft tissues, leaving you invigorated yet relaxed!

  • Ankle and Calf Mobility Session!

    Ankle and Calf Mobility Session!

    In this 15 minute mobility session, you will need a lacrosse ball or similar object. Gemma takes you through a session to improve your range of motion in your ankles and help release your calves.

  • 12 Minute Quick Stretching Session

    12 Minute Quick Stretching Session

    Join Mabel for a quick stretching session. Mabel focuses on releasing your legs, hips, and chest. A strap and mat are recommended to get the most out of this video.

  • Lats, Rhomboid and Shoulder Focused Mobility Session

    Lats, Rhomboid and Shoulder Focused Mobility Session

    In this quick mobility session, Gemma focuses on releasing tension and improving the range of motion in areas that affect your shoulders. This is an excellent session to perform multiple times per week to improve your shoulder mobility. A yoga block and firm massage ball (or hard balls like a softball or lacrosse ball) are required to complete this session.

  • Active Recovery: Foam Rolling and Stretching

    Active Recovery: Foam Rolling and Stretching

    Mike takes you through a total body foam rolling and stretching session. This session is ideal for reducing soreness, releasing muscle tension and improving range of motion in all major joints of your body. A foam roller is required to complete the rolling section of the video.

  • YThrive FLOW 9: 25 Minute Gentle Stretch

    YThrive FLOW 9: 25 Minute Gentle Stretch

    Join us for a 25-minute gentle stretching focused yoga class which is great for those who are sitting a lot during their workday. This class will help relieve tight hips and soreness in your low back. A strap is recommended to help you get the most out of this session.

  • YThrive FLOW 13: Five Key Mobility Sequences!

    YThrive FLOW 13: Five Key Mobility Sequences!

    Join us for a 15 minute mobility session which will help you increase your usable range of motion in many of your major joints, while improving your postural muscles. No impact and no equipment needed. Ability to stand and do kneeling floor work is necessary to participate in this session.

  • YThrive FLOW 12: A Gentle Session to Open up your Hips!

    YThrive FLOW 12: A Gentle Session to Open up your Hips!

    Join us for a 15 minute mobility session which focuses on opening the hips to allow for more mobility. No equipment needed.