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  • A Gentle Flow to Promote Recovery

    A Gentle Flow to Promote Recovery

    Everyday aches and pains can get the better of us proving to be a distraction, and even a stressor, throughout the day. Let Tomo guide you through a gentle hatha flow to help calm your mind and promote recovery.

  • Yoga for Tight Hips and Hamstrings

    Yoga for Tight Hips and Hamstrings

    Stretch out your lower body and give your legs some love with Olivia's 30-minute flow. This is a the perfect flow for runners, skaters and hockey players, skiiers, or anyone else who's fitness routine focuses on the lower body.

  • Deep Stretch for the Lower Back

    Deep Stretch for the Lower Back

    Give your lower back some love today with a deep stretch. Our lower back can often hold tension, resulting in aches, pain and even mental stress. Practicing yin yoga can help relieve tension and aches, as well as prevent it in the future.

  • 40-Minute Deep Yin Stretch

    40-Minute Deep Yin Stretch

    Ease into a new yoga routine this year with Fanzi's 40 minute yin yoga flow. You'll hold each pose for a few minutes, helping to stretch your tendons, fascia, and ligaments, thereby improving your range of motion and flexibility.

  • 20 Minute Hip Flexibility & Strength

    20 Minute Hip Flexibility & Strength

    Stretch your yoga skills and challenge your balance with Tomo! This well-rounded practice will help increase flexibility in your hips and build your strength.

  • Toned Pilates Core

    Toned Pilates Core

    Join us in toning and strengthening our core with Bella! This workout is only eight minutes, making it the perfect core routine for those short on time!

  • 7-Minute Core Toning Pilates

    7-Minute Core Toning Pilates

    Can you get a full core workout in just seven minutes? Yes, you can! Add this to your regular yoga or pilates routine, use it as a warmup to a strength workout, or even just as your standalone core workout for the day.

  • Floor-based Evening Flow

    Floor-based Evening Flow

    Your back holds a lot of stress throughout the day, whether you're working at a desk, exercising or otherwise being active and going on about your day. Take 20 minutes and try this Hatha yoga sequence to release that tension and give your back some love.

  • 20-Minute Upper Back Release

    20-Minute Upper Back Release

    Your back holds a lot of stress throughout the day, whether you're working at a desk, exercising or otherwise being active and going on about your day. Take 20 minutes and try this Hatha yoga sequence to release that tension and give your back some love.

  • Daily Stress Relieving Yoga Flow

    Daily Stress Relieving Yoga Flow

    Take a moment to enjoy the last days of summer with this 15-minute yoga practice! Whether you're enjoying the sun, or practicing in the cooler evenings, this is the perfect yoga flow to de-stress and revitalize your body while we move into the fall season.

  • 20 Minute Sweet Hip Opening Yoga

    20 Minute Sweet Hip Opening Yoga

    Roll out your mat and improve your hip mobility with Olivia's Sweet Hip Opening flow. 20 minutes is all it takes to release the tension and tightness in your hips, which can ease stiffness and reduce other muscles and joints from overcompensating.

  • 20-Minute Power Yoga Workout

    20-Minute Power Yoga Workout

    This power yoga workout will get you sweating! Tomo's flow will take you through a series of lunges to strengthen your legs, back and hips. If you have sensitive knees, we recommend having a soft cushion or blanket on hand to place under your knee(s).

  • 30-Minute Yoga Sequence to Open Your Shoulders and Back

    30-Minute Yoga Sequence to Open Your Shoulders and Back

    Open up your upper body with Tomo. This hatha yoga flow will take you through functional movements that will improve mobility, flexibility and strength in your shoulders and upper and lower back.

    We recommend doing this practice with a set of yoga blocks or near a wall to help with your range of motion.

  • 10-Minute Evening Yoga Flow

    10-Minute Evening Yoga Flow

    Unwind for the day with this 10-minute yoga practice. Jessica will take you through a series of twists to release tension from your back and hips. Try this gentle flow on your bed, a mat, or a soft carpet.

  • 10-Minute Morning Yoga Flow to Energize You

    10-Minute Morning Yoga Flow to Energize You

    Need a quick morning stretch? This quick flow will energize you, whether you're just getting out of bed, or want a quick pick-me-up during the day

  • Yoga Class with Charlie

    Yoga Class with Charlie

    Join Charlie from the Kamloops YMCA in a traditional hatha yoga class. This class will take you through a series of poses that work to align the movement of the body and your breathing.

  • Yoga Class with Carina

    Yoga Class with Carina

    Wanting a good stretch? Try this seated floor yoga practice with Carina!

  • Yoga Practice with Bonnie!

    Yoga Practice with Bonnie!

    In this intermediate Yoga practice you will work towards achieving a Long, Tall, Spacious posture with Bonnie.

  • Gentle Chair Yoga for the Body and Mind.

    Gentle Chair Yoga for the Body and Mind.

    In this workout, Bonnie leads a gentle Chair Yoga session that is easy on the body, and soothing to the mind.

  • Yoga for Neck and Shoulder Health.

    Yoga for Neck and Shoulder Health.

    A Yoga practice that emphasises strength, stability and mobility through the neck and shoulders. A beginner/intermediate practice.

  • Yoga that is Gentle on the Wrists and Joints.

    Yoga that is Gentle on the Wrists and Joints.

    A yoga class without Downward Dogs, to minimize the impact on the wrist joint. A gentle way to enjoy your Yoga Practice.

  • Grounding Yoga with Bonnie!

    Grounding Yoga with Bonnie!

    This mat based Yoga session is suitable for all levels. In this grounded Yoga session Bonnie helps you feel connected to the earth to enhance your sense of calmness, security and safety. Poses will enhance your flexibility and improve how you move. A mat is recommended to complete this class.

  • A Traditional Yoga Session to Help You Move Well and Calm The Mind

    A Traditional Yoga Session to Help You Move Well and Calm The Mind

    In this session, Gemma uses traditional sequences to help you release tension, improve your balance and strength plus relax your mind. Grab your mat and join Gemma for this less than 30 minute yoga workout. This yoga session is great for exercisers who are intermediate or advanced.

  • A 30 Minute Vinyasa Yoga Session

    A 30 Minute Vinyasa Yoga Session

    In this vinyasa style yoga session Gemma challenges you with a complete class that will develop flexibility, balance and strength throughout your entire body. Single leg movements, twists and even crow pose are sprinkled in to challenge you. This session is ideal for our experienced exerciser. A yoga mat is recommended for participating in this workout.

  • A Floor Based Pilates Session

    A Floor Based Pilates Session

    In this workout, Lisa adds to a Jackknife exercise to create an incredible floor-based Pilates workout. Pilates is incredible for improving core development and control while also improving posture and breath control. A comfy mat is recommended to complete this workout.

  • Gentle Yoga to Improve Stability and Calm the Mind

    Gentle Yoga to Improve Stability and Calm the Mind

    This gentle Yoga class begins with standing elements to develop balance, leg strength and stability. Bonnie then transitions into floor movements to develop core, flexibility and mobility. The class concludes with a guided time in Shavasana.

  • A Progressive Session to Challenge Your Yoga Practice

    A Progressive Session to Challenge Your Yoga Practice

    In this class Gemma helps you push your Yoga practice with a challenging class that has enhanced focus on hip openers. The session opens with a standing sequences, transitions to floor based movements and then wraps up with Shavasna.

  • Yoga With Gemma: Ep 8 // Flowing Through All the Movements of The Series

    Yoga With Gemma: Ep 8 // Flowing Through All the Movements of The Series

    In this yoga session, Gemma incorporates all the movements learned through out the series into the session. Gemma opens up with traditional sun salutations and closes the session with Savasana. A yoga mat is recommended to complete the session.

  • YMCA Peace Week Yoga

    YMCA Peace Week Yoga

    It's Peace Week, and to celebrate, we are offering a FREE yoga practice for peace. The goal of yoga is to encompass the overall essence of Peace and incorporate spirit, mind and body into each class.

  • Feel Your Power in the Warrior's

    Feel Your Power in the Warrior's

    ​In this Yoga class Gemma has you move through the five Warrior Poses: Warrior 1, Warrior 2, Warrior 3, Exhaulted Warrior & Humble Warrior. This class has a traditional sun salutation opening sequence and Savasana to complete the session. A mat is recommended but no other equipment is needed to participate. This video is recommended for those who do have exercise or yoga experience.

  • Yoga with Gemma Ep. 6: Learning Balance

    Yoga with Gemma Ep. 6: Learning Balance

    In this traditional Yoga class Gemma has put enhanced focus on balance work. Enjoy a traditional sun salutation opening sequence and Savasana to complete the session. A mat is recommended but no other equipment is needed to participate. This video is recommended for those who do have exercise or yoga experience.

  • A Complete Yoga Session with a Focus on Shoulders and Binds!

    A Complete Yoga Session with a Focus on Shoulders and Binds!

    In this yoga class Gemma takes you through compete session that has more focus on shoulders and binds. It is important to warm up the shoulders before attempting to bind in a pose. This class is delivered with a traditional yoga warm up and mindfulness session to finish. No equipment needed but a mat is recommended.

  • Revisiting Crow Pose: Yoga with Gemma Ep. 4

    Revisiting Crow Pose: Yoga with Gemma Ep. 4

    In this session, Gemma revisits crow pose with the enhanced focus on core that you gained in the third workout in this series. This workout is ideal for people with a solid base of yoga experience and a mat is recommended to complete the class. This workout can be completed even if you have not completed the third workout in the series.

  • Yoga For Your Core: Yoga With Gemma Ep. 3

    Yoga For Your Core: Yoga With Gemma Ep. 3

    In this traditional Yoga class, Gemma puts a focus on your core. You will learn to activate and develop the muscles of your abs, low back, hips, and spine. This class is recommended for those with some exercise experience. A yoga mat is recommended to complete this class.

  • Yoga With Gemma Ep. 2: Learning Side Crow Pose

    Yoga With Gemma Ep. 2: Learning Side Crow Pose

    In week two of our yoga series, Gemma takes you through a complete session that has a feature on side crow pose. Warming up the spine and muscles of the core (front and back) is essential before attempting side crow.

  • Yoga With Gemma Ep. 1: Begin Your Journey

    Yoga With Gemma Ep. 1: Begin Your Journey

    Join the Y's own Gemma as she takes you through a 7 episode yoga series. There will be a new episode every Friday! This is a intermediate to advanced series, but we encourage everyone to give it a shot to see if you can push yourself.

    Worst case you have a good time and learn some new positions!

  • 10 Minute Yoga Session to Wake Your Body Up!

    10 Minute Yoga Session to Wake Your Body Up!

    In this quick yoga session, Gemma links together sun salutations to help you wake up your body and quickly increase your energy level. This session is ideal for people with experience in yoga workouts and movements.

  • 35 Minute Advanced Yoga | Develop your Forearm Stand

    35 Minute Advanced Yoga | Develop your Forearm Stand

    This class will focus on preparing you to perform a forearm stand. Gemma uses sun salutations to warm you up and take you through this session. The class is delivered with a traditional flow so that you still are experiencing a traditional class feel.

  • 30 Minute Total 10 Pilates Class

    30 Minute Total 10 Pilates Class

    In this pilates workout, Lisa has you perform two movements for a total of ten reps in each segment. This is a total 10 workout and will help you with improving posture, body alignment, and core development. This video is recommended for the exerciser who has core, yoga, or pilates experience and is injury free. A mat is recommended for this work.

  • 30 Minute Beginner Friendly Yoga

    30 Minute Beginner Friendly Yoga

    In this 30 minute class, Gemma has you flow through sun salutations and then offers some balance, core, and flexibility work to complete the session. A mat or comfortable, non-slip surface is recommended to participate in this class.

  • A Full Vinyasa Yoga Class

    A Full Vinyasa Yoga Class

    This class is designed as an introduction to vinyasa yoga built on modifications to Sun Salutation A and foundational standing poses. This series is ideal for anyone looking to build the foundations for vinyasa who would benefit from accessible options for chaturanga and upward facing dog to downward facing dog. Options are provided with yoga blocks for standing poses to gradually deepen postures with support.

  • Learn to Float in Sun Salutations!

    Learn to Float in Sun Salutations!

    During this shorter yoga class, we focus on learning and prepping for 'floating' during sun salutations. A yoga mat & block is recommended for completing this workout but no equipment is required.

  • Goddess Pose Flow to Open Hips & Strengthen Legs

    Goddess Pose Flow to Open Hips & Strengthen Legs

    In this class, Gemma takes you through 30 minutes of yoga. The session is built around a Goddess pose flow which will help you open up your hips and strengthen your legs. A yoga mat is recommended to complete this workout.

  • Circuit Style Pilates Class!

    Circuit Style Pilates Class!

    In this Pilates class, you will follow along with Lisa in a circuit format. Lisa introduces new movements, helps you focus on your core development and breathing. A towel is recommended to assist with head position and resistance elements as well as a mat for comfort.

  • Intermediate Yoga: Arm Balances & Balance Poses

    Intermediate Yoga: Arm Balances & Balance Poses

    Gemma has put together a yoga class to help develop your balance and further your practice. This class is just over 30 minutes in length and is targeted at participants that have previous yoga experience and the ability to attempt more technical postures.

  • Easy to follow Pilates!

    Easy to follow Pilates!

    Lisa delivers a traditional 30 minute Pilates class. This class will help you develop your core, breathing, and postural muscles. This class is delivered at a gentle pace and movements are easier to execute which makes this class suitable for most exercisers. A small towel and mat are recommended for this session.

  • A Flowing Yoga Class Featuring Crow Pose!

    A Flowing Yoga Class Featuring Crow Pose!

    Gemma creates a flowing class that is designed for intermediate yoga participants. This workout features Crow pose. A yoga mat is recommended to get the most out of this session.

  • 30 Minute Leg Focused Yoga

    30 Minute Leg Focused Yoga

    in this 30 minute yoga session, Gemma prioritizes leg development. The class has a gentle pace to it and will challenge the intermediate exercisers. A mat is recommended to complete this class.

  • YThrive FLOW 15: An Active Sun Salutation

    YThrive FLOW 15: An Active Sun Salutation

    Join us for a 30 minute traditional sun salutation flow to help energize you. A non slip surface or yoga mat is recommended.

  • YThrive FLOW 14: 20 Minute Yoga Workout for Runners!

    YThrive FLOW 14: 20 Minute Yoga Workout for Runners!

    Join us for a 20 minute traditional yoga class designed for runners. This workout will help you stretch out any tight muscles you have in your legs, hips, and core. No equipment needed but a nonslip surface or yoga matt is recommended.

  • YThrive FLOW 13: Five Key Mobility Sequences!

    YThrive FLOW 13: Five Key Mobility Sequences!

    Join us for a 15 minute mobility session which will help you increase your usable range of motion in many of your major joints, while improving your postural muscles. No impact and no equipment needed. Ability to stand and do kneeling floor work is necessary to participate in this session.

  • YThrive FLOW 12: A Gentle Session to Open up your Hips!

    YThrive FLOW 12: A Gentle Session to Open up your Hips!

    Join us for a 15 minute mobility session which focuses on opening the hips to allow for more mobility. No equipment needed.

  • YThrive FLOW 11: 30 Minute Intermediate Yoga Challenging Core & Balance

    YThrive FLOW 11: 30 Minute Intermediate Yoga Challenging Core & Balance

    Bring some balance to your life with this yoga flow. This intermediate series will challenge your balance and build core strength for stability.

  • YThrive FLOW 10: 1 Hour Session to Open & Strengthen your Chest and Shoulders

    YThrive FLOW 10: 1 Hour Session to Open & Strengthen your Chest and Shoulders

    A 1-hour yoga class focusing on opening your chest and shoulders and developing your upper back. A hand towel, blanket and mat, or non-slip surface is recommended to get the most out of this workout.

  • YThrive FLOW 9: 25 Minute Gentle Stretch

    YThrive FLOW 9: 25 Minute Gentle Stretch

    Join us for a 25-minute gentle stretching focused yoga class which is great for those who are sitting a lot during their workday. This class will help relieve tight hips and soreness in your low back. A strap is recommended to help you get the most out of this session.

  • YThrive FLOW 8: A 30 Minute Chair Yoga with Focus on Yogic Breathing

    YThrive FLOW 8: A 30 Minute Chair Yoga with Focus on Yogic Breathing

    A 30-minute chair yoga delivered with a focus on breathing and gentle flow. Move your body through full ranges of motion and enjoy a calming experience. Some seated leg exercises are prescribed but they do not require standing or kneeling.

  • YThrive FLOW 7: A 60 minute Traditional Yoga

    YThrive FLOW 7: A 60 minute Traditional Yoga

    Join us for a 60-minute traditional yoga with a variety of standing and mat-based poses to develop your entire body. The class is delivered with a calming mindset and pace to provide a relaxing experience.

  • YThrive FLOW 6: A 45 minute Traditional Yoga Class with a Variety of Standing and Mat Based Poses

    YThrive FLOW 6: A 45 minute Traditional Yoga Class with a Variety of Standing and Mat Based Poses

    Join us for a 45 minute traditional yoga with a variety of standing and floor-based movements. Suitable for all levels.

  • YThrive FLOW 5: Intermediate Yoga Sequence Focusing on Core Development

    YThrive FLOW 5: Intermediate Yoga Sequence Focusing on Core Development

    Join us today for a 25-minute floor-based yoga sequence focussing on core muscle development. This class is targeted at an intermediate audience and only requires a comfy floor or mat.

  • YThrive FLOW 4 :Hatha Style Yoga, Focused on Strengthening and Releasing Your Back

    YThrive FLOW 4 :Hatha Style Yoga, Focused on Strengthening and Releasing Your Back

    This Hatha Yoga inspired series focuses on poses to strengthen and release your back. Rinsing twists will aid in detoxifying, rejuvenating and relieve the aches and strains that prevent you from moving freely through your day. This is a great series if you’re looking for a balanced strength and stretch without the continuous flow in a power flow or vinyasa style practice.

  • YThrive FLOW 3: Floor Yoga Class Focused on Core Muscles - Suitable for all Levels

    YThrive FLOW 3: Floor Yoga Class Focused on Core Muscles - Suitable for all Levels

    Join us for a 30 minute floor based yoga focusing on core muscles. Beginner and intermediate friendly. No equipment needed but a mat or comfy floor space is recommended.

  • YThrive FLOW 2: A Traditional Yoga Class Focusing on Hip Openers.

    YThrive FLOW 2: A Traditional Yoga Class Focusing on Hip Openers.

    In this YThrive FLOW we focus on hip openers. You’ll flow through a series of poses designed to release tight hip muscles, restoring your range of motion and reducing pain in your legs and back. As an added bonus, hip openers are believed to provide great stress relief.

  • YThrive FLOW 1: 30 Minute Power Flow Yoga

    YThrive FLOW 1: 30 Minute Power Flow Yoga

    Challenge yourself with sun salutations and grounding breath work, you will move through a series of postures to get a well rounded cardiovascular, strengthening and lengthening workout.