Feel the burn with Karen's leg and glute workout. She'll take you through easy thigh and glute dominant exercises with a light dumbbell for added resistance. If you're a pro, use heavier weights! You'll feel this one the next time you take a flight of stairs!
Grab your weights (or a band) and train like a god! Coach Thor, aka, Simon will take you through a total body workout that can easily be customized depending on your needs. Join Y@HOME+ and find the full series on ymcahome.ca
Strength training can be intimidating if you're a beginner. Wendy will take you through a full-body strength training routine to get you started and feeling more confident in yourself! It's only 30 minutes, and is great if you're a beginner, or feeling like a more gentle workout for the day.
One of the most functional movements you can do is a deadlift. From strengthening your back and glutes, to correcting a forward leaning posture, Wendy explains the benefits of this exercise and demonstrates proper form when doing a deadlift.
Shawn introduces you to the BOSU ball. This piece of equipment will provide an added challenge, while improving your stability on uneven surfaces.
Join Y@HOME+ to watch the rest of the series for a complete 20-minute BOSU ball workout from strength training to cardio intervals.
Join Amber for a barre-inspired workout! This workout will help improve your balance and work every major muscle group. You'll need a chair, counter or back of the couch for balance, light weights and a mat.
In this workout Shelley provides phenomenal technical cueing to help you take your core workouts to the next level. This workout is done with excellent options and rest breaks to allow you to learn the more difficult movements typically offered in our advanced core classes.
In this workout, Shelley uses Metabolic training to help you improve your explosive strength and power. This is a very fun and engaging way to train strength with a single dumbbell or kettlebell. Exercises are full body and will challenge you to improve your strength without needing to have a heavyweight set or machines. A kettlebell can be used in place of a dumbbell.
In this dumbbell based workout Shelley has selected challenging, total body exercises to help you develop your body and strength. 30 second rest breaks keep the output high so you can truly challenge your strength!
In this workout Gemma gets you your strength and cardio training for the day. Dumbbells and dynamic compound movements are used to make this a challenging workout.
No Gliders? NO PROBLEM! You can use socks or a paper plate to Join Shelley for this workout! Shelley is stacking the exercises to really focus on lower body and core strength. This is an intermediate and advanced workout.
Shelley combines Bar work and Plate work for this total body training session. Don't have a Barbell? No problem! This workout provides dumbbell options for every exercise! This is a great workout for intermediate or advanced exercisers.
This 15 minute upper body workout can be done on it's own if you are short on time
...or stacked together with our 15minute lower Body, and 15 minute core workouts
to create a total body workout!
Using a mix of body weight and dumbbell movements, Gemma has built three circuits to help you develop your entire body. This is a great workout for intermediate or advance exercisers.
Shelley has built a really creative strength workout using body weight and dumbbell. A multi joint movement kicks off each interval and then you perform a smaller, isolated movement to continue the set. This helps improve strength and endurance. Grab your dumbbells and get moving with Shelley! This is a great workout for beginner or intermediate exercisers.
In this workout, Gemma breaks the workout into a section focused on legs and then a section focused on upper body. Swings are featured through out the entire workout. 1 minute of work and 30 seconds of rest is the formula to help you get stronger but also recover and bring excellent focus to your next set. This workout is best for intermediate exercisers.
In this workout, Lisa uses kettlebells and circuits that build in length to develop your entire body's strength and improve your overall conditioning. Lisa priorities true kettlebell movements so be ready to clean, snatch, catch, and more!
In this workout uses body weight activities to help improve your muscular endurance and improve overall conditioning. Options are shown to keep this accessible to many but a good base of exercise experience is suggested before trying this class. No equipment needed!
In this 20 minute workout Gemma uses dynamic, compound exercises to help you develop your entire body. Elements of cardio training are incorporated to make this a complete workout. Dumbbells are needed to complete some of the movements.
Chico has created a 20 minute pyramid workout to challenge your strength and conditioning. The workout is designed around three fundamental movements: Thrusters, Renegade Rows, and RDL's. Dumbells are needed to complete this workout. Workout is delivered at a steady pace and has almost no impact! Get ready to challenge your strength and conditioning!
Kasia uses dumbbells and dynamic total body movements to develop your muscular strength and endurance. This workout targets your entire body with a good focus on core activation. This workout has almost no impact to it!
Join us for a 15 minute endurance shoulder workout targeting all the muscles of the shoulders. No impact, easy to follow movements. Light dumbbells or hand held objects recommended to get the most out of this workout.
If you are new to strength training you should make this your first video. This workout is made up of six fundamental movements that will help you move well and feel amazing. These movements will create the foundation for long term fitness success.
Looking to increase your heart rate and challenge your entire body’s strength and endurance? Well, look no further — we’ve got the perfect workout for you! In partnership with ParticipACTION, follow along with the YMCA team as they demonstrate moderately paced exercises that you can do seated or standing and with or without weights to help you improve your technique while also increasing your cardiovascular strength and resilience.
In partnership with ParticipACTION, join us for a low intensity strength training workout, that is gentle on joints, while effectively challenging muscular strength and endurance. Whether you are returning to exercise after injury, returning to exercise, or just starting up, choose the best variation demonstrated, and get started today!
Join Mabel for this hip and glute workout! Hip and glute work will help you avoid injuries and improve your ability to perform real world activities like walking, climbing stairs, or running. For this workout, you will only need a mat. You will work for 45 seconds and rest for 15, performing 10 exercises 2 times.
In just over 25 minutes Liia takes you through a beginner-friendly Barre class that has easy to follow movements that are low impact. The workout is designed to target your entire body but does offer more focus on developing your legs, glute and core muscles. You will need some light dumbells for some exercises in this routine and a ballet barre or sturdy surface to use for balance is recommended.
In this total body workout Mike has you perform a nine exercise circuit where you work for 40 seconds and then rest for 20 seconds. The workout has no impact and a steady pace making it ideal for exercisers with little experience. You need a light and medium exercise band to complete this workout. You can use either the large loop or handle style bands.
Shawn introduces you to the BOSU ball. This piece of equipment will provide an added challenge, while improving your stability on uneven surfaces.
Ashley takes you through a bodyweight only workout. Get your mat out and get sweating - no equipment needed!
In this workout Shelley, will lead you through Strength circuits that will use Bars and Plates to improve your strength, and rev your heart rate with a cardio blast! No Bars and Plates? No problem, each exercise will be demo'd with dumbbells also!
This 15 minute lower body workout can be done on it's own if you are short on time
...or stacked together with our 15 minute Upper Body, and 15 minute Core workouts
to create a total body workout!
Shelley uses dumbbells, bodyweight and interval training to bring you a cardio and strength combination workout! Get ready to hit all the major muscle groups, and put your cardio to the test!
In this workout, Shelley has put together a strength workout that will push your strength and coordination. Movements will have you moving in so many fun ways. Bring your dumbbells and your energy and get strong with Shelley!
In this workout Shelley focuses on leg movements to get you sweating and stronger! She aims to build your endurance, agility and strength through leg based movements.
In this 30 minute workout, Sherry uses dynamic, total body movements to challenge your power, endurance, and cardiovascular health. Circuits and dumbbells create the foundation for this class. Challenge your technique and your heart rate! Have fun and be ready to work hard!
In this workout, Mike has you complete three exercise supersets together on the same target muscle. Exercise one is a hold (isometric contraction), exercise two is a unilateral exercise (single leg or arm) and to complete the trio is an explosive movement where you move with speed. This is a total body workout with a trio targeted at each major muscle group. At least one moderately heavy kettlebell will be needed to complete this workout, two would be ideal.
This 30 minute workout is designed around advanced exercises and dumbbells to challenge your entire body. Perform cleans, snatches, get ups and more!
Compound movements are performed in three exercise circuits to create the foundation for this workout. Dumbbells and challenging total body movements make this a great workout to develop your entire body! You will improve your power, muscular endurance, and cardiovascular fitness.
Join us for a 15 minute workout using body weight and light dumbbells. Exercises are performed with repetition recommendations, followed by brief periods of rest. Dynamic movements are paired together to create an incredible total body workout that will develop coordination, endurance, and strength.
Join us for a 25 minute workout designed to increase leg strength. This workout can be done with body weight only or you can add weights to all of the movement to increase difficulty. To add weight use dumbbells, a backpack or sturdy bags with some weight added to them.
Join us for a 20-minute workout featuring dynamic total body movements. The movements chosen will challenge your explosiveness and total body power. Dumbbells can be used to increase the challenge of this workout.
Join us for a 20 minute total body workout using dumbbells. This workout priortizes challenging compound movements to help you develop your strength and muscular endurance.
Join us for a 20 minute Kettlebell workout that will challenge your entire body! Enjoy this mini-circuit style workout that will challenge your endurance while having you perform dynamic kettlebell movments. A kettlebell or dumbell is required to complete this workout.
Join us for a 25 minute endurance workout. Option to use light dumbells to enhance the intensity of the movements. In this workout dynamic exercises are chosen and performed in pairings to challenge your endurance. The workout is built on 45 seconds of effort followed by 10 seconds of rest.
A 25 minute high-intensity interval-based workout. Body weight movements are chosen to challenge the intermediate to advanced exerciser. Options are shown to allow people to reduce some intensity and impact. No equipment needed. Tabata training and 30-second intervals create the foundation of this workout.
Join us for a 30 minute challenging HIIT bodyweight workout. Intermediate to advanced participants will love the challenging movements that are meant to push your heart rate and develop your endurance. This workout has excellent elements for developing core as well. No equipment needed!
Join us for a high-intensity BOOST workout targeting your lower body and core with a circuit of dynamic full-body movements. You’ll build power, strength, cardiovascular fitness, and plank based core work. No equipment needed.
Join us today for a 20 minute no equipment partner workout. A partner workout to challenge your cardio, power and core! Grab your best friend or partner and get moving!
Join us for a 20 Minute strength and cardio based workout. Enjoy a small circuit style workout that requires minimal equipment and challenges your entire body!
Join us for a 25-minute power-packed, full-body conditioning workout with a variety of plyometric and strength intervals for people with some exercise experience. No equipment required for this high-intensity workout which offers creative exercise combinations.
An intermediate, 20 minute, workout built around a series of functional strength movements and a challenging cardio segment to finish the workouts. Get ready to challenge your entire body!
A 20 minute intermediate workout built around a series of functional strength movements with a challenging cardio segment to finish. Get ready to challenge your entire body!
Join us for a 20 minute high paced work out that will challenge your muscular strength and endurance.
Join us for a 25 minute workout that is low impact yet offers challenging movements to improve conditioning and muscular endurance. Light dumbbells or handheld objects can help intensify this workout.
Mike uses dumbbells and five exercise circuits to help give you a total body workout that will improve muscular endurance and your cardio!
In this workout, Gemma throws away the timer and has you do 10 reps of each exercise. Exercises are done as supersets to get you a great conditioning element and keep the workout really time efficient! This workout is best for the intermediate or advanced exerciser.
In this dumbbell workout, Gemma challenges your conditioning, strength and coordination. Movements are dynamic and engaging to give you a fun session that will fly by! This is an intermediate workout.
Gemma has you perform six different body weight movements on an interval with 45 seconds of work and 15 seconds of rest. Movements will help you elevate your heart rate, improve endurance and get you stronger. This is a great workout for intermediate or advanced exercisers.
In this longer workout, Shelley has put together a strength and cardio workout to challenge our experienced exerciser. Dumbbells are required to complete the strength portion of this workout.
Shelley uses Swings as the backbone of this leg dominant kettlebell workout. Swing, squat, row and press your way through this circuit style session. This is a great workout for intermediate or advanced exercisers.
In this workout, Gemma features two circuits to help you get stronger and get your heart rate up. Movements were chosen to develop primarily your legs and core while giving you a great cardio workout at the same time. This workout is best suited for intermediate exercisers.
In this workout, Gemma uses a circuit, dumbbells and body weight exercises to give you an incredible strength workout. Exercises will challenge all your major muscle groups and is ideal for those with some strength training experience.
Want to get your heart rate up while challenging your muscular strength and endurance? Then this workout is ideal for you! In partnership with ParticipACTION, join the YMCA team as they guide you through fast-paced exercises that you can perform seated or standing and with or without weights. They’ll challenge your technique while increasing your cardiovascular strength.
In this strength based workout Shelley keeps things dynamic by having you work with a single dumbbell. This will help challenge your balance and stability. Grab your dumbbell and join Shelley!
In this workout mike pairs together challenging body weight exercises to give you a phenomenal strength workout for your entire body. You will perform four different pairing of exercises, three times. Rest is given after each pair to ensure you can recover and challenge your strength.
In this workout Shelley uses a step with risers to create a unique strength based workout. The step adds incredible variations and increased intensity to the standard movements you likely have been training with. Get ready to take your step and strength to the next level!
In this upper body focused strength workout Shelley has combined movements to test the endurance of all your upper body muscles. This workout includes excellent core work to wrap things up.
In this mini circuit style workout Gemma takes exercises and builds in progressions with each round you complete. Progressions are how we can make things more challenging for you. This workout will offer excellent variety for both our intermediate and beginner exercisers. Are you ready to progress? Then grab a dumbbell and start the video!
In this workout, Amy challenges your strength using by using more challenging bodyweight movements. They require power, stability, and great technique! This is a great workout for our experienced exerciser.
Lisa has put together a workout that is based on 15 minutes of continuous time under tension. Lisa explains the essential Kettlebell movements very well so this is a great video for people new to working with kettlebells to start with. This video is recommended for people that have exercise experience and are confident in their squatting and lunging technique.
Join us for a 25 minute, beginner-friendly, workout using a light band and body weight for equipment. This video will give you a complete strength workout as it will activate all major muscle groups. Please note that the small looped bands will not work for this workout, but all other types will.
Gemma has put together a body weight circuit to challenge your muscular strength and endurance. Exercises are functional and will challenge your technique to ensure you are improving muscle activation and posture.
Gemma has put together a challenging body weight circuit to challenge your muscluar strength and endurance. Exercises are function and will challenge your tehcnique to ensure you are improving muscle activation and posture. No equipment needed!
In this workout, Shelley uses body weight exercises to help you develop incredible muscle activation and strength development. This workout is ideal for those with exercise experience.
In this workout, Shelley has put together a low impact class that will challenge your strength and endurance. Movements are designed to develop your entire body. This video is ideal for those with exercise experience and kettlebells.
In this workout, Shelley focuses on traditional dumbbell exercises to give you a phenomenal strength building session. Movements focus on activation and control with traditional sets with rest breaks. It's recommended that you have a variety of dumbbell weights to work with to get the most out of this session.
In this workout, Gemma has you perform four exercises for one minute each followed by one minute of rest. These four classic exercises will help you develop your entire body and they are easy to follow. Dumbbells are needed to complete the bent over rows. This routine is ideal for those who have exercise experience.
What is EMOM? EMOM stands for Every Minute on the Minute. This means that you will do each exercise for one minute changing the exercise at the top of each minute.
Lisa has put together a workout that is based on 15 minutes of continuous time under tension. Lisa explains the essential Kettlebell movements in detail, making this a great video for people new to working with kettlebells. This video is recommended for people that have exercise experience and are confident in their squatting and lunging techniques.
In this 25 minute workout, Melissa uses light dumbbells and body weight movements to test your endurance and develop your balance. Movements are completed for longer periods of time to help improve your stamina. A mat and dumbbells are recommended to complete this workout.
In this 30 minute class, Shelley helps develop your strength and endurance by using dumbbells and dynamic movements. The challenge is increased by completing partial ranges of motions or "pulses" at times. This video is designed for people with exercise experience and options are shown to reduce impact.
Join Josh for a 30 minute, body weight pyramid-style workout! The pyramid will start with 20s intervals, before jumping to 30s and then 40s before working back down. You will do two pyramids with three exercises in each focusing on the lower body, with just a little bit of cardio! Be sure to bring your water, energy, and most importantly, have fun!
This strength class is ideal for the experienced exerciser who is looking to get stronger. Many movements are dynamic and likely will be new to you. Pacing is deliberate in a way where you can focus on your technique, balance, and develop your muscle control. Dumbbells are required for you to complete this class.
In this 40 minute workout, you will do one minute of strength, followed by one minute of cardio. Dumbbells are needed for strength elements. No movements are repeated for a great variety of exercises! This workout is dynamic and best suited for intermediate to advanced participants.
In this 25 minute workout, Andrew has you perform a variety of dynamic body weight movements to improve your strength, endurance, and coordination. Enjoy some movements that will challenge your balance and develop your core. No equipment necessary. This workout has minimal impact.
In this strength workout, Chico uses dumbbells and a riser for equipment. The session is focused on completing dynamic movements with control and technique to develop your entire body. This workout will help you move well and increase your strength and power. This workout is ideal for people with experience.
In this workout compound movements performed using dumbbells to create an incredible challenge. Movements are low impact but dynamic to help you push your strength and conditioning. Core work is completed at the end to round out the workout.
This workout is meant to be the dumbbell version of that favourite bars and plates class you love to go to! Shelley provides you with options to make this suitable for the intermediate and advanced exerciser. Dumbbells are required to complete all movements in this class.
Join Kasia for a bootcamp style class! Get a total body workout in less than 20 minutes!
In this 35 minute workout, Shelley prioritizes compound, dumbbell movements to help you develop your strength and muscular endurance. This workout is ideal for intermediate to advanced exercisers.
Low impact exercises are chosen to help you develop your upper body strength. Dumbells or objects are ideal to get the best effect from this workout. Movements are easy to execute but with the right resistance it will offer the perfect challenge to help you get stronger!
Join us for a 25 minute isometric workout for your entire body. No equipment needed. If you have been training for a while this can offer some much-needed variety to how you train. Isometric training is when you hold positions with no movement to challenge your muscles. This style of training is known to improve strength and improve muscle function even for people with a lot of exercise experience.
In this workout, low impact exercises are chosen to help you develop your upper body strength. Dumbbells or objects are ideal to get the best effect from this workout. Movements are easy to execute but with the right resistance. It will offer the perfect challenge to help you get stronger!
Join us for a 30-minute workout using a bag with some weights to develop your leg strength and cardio. Performing the more difficult options shown can make this a challenging BALANCE workout if you are looking to push yourself. Two small strength circuits and two cardio segments create the foundation for this workout.
Challenge yourself with alternating slider exercises for your lower body and core. Sliders can be easily replaced with rags on hard floors or plastic on the carpet for an easy to modify the home workout.
Challenge yourself with alternating slider exercises for your lower body and core. Sliders can be easily replaced with rags on hard floors or plastic on the carpet for an easy to modify the home workout.
Join us for a 25 minute BALANCE workout focusing on mini circuits. Strength movements using light objects or dumbbells and body weight cardio movements. A total body movement to keep you strong and moving well!
Join us today for a 15 minute active recovery workout. This workout focuses on improving flexibility, balance and some light core work. No equipment needed. Lower intensity for this video with no challenging cardio segments.
A 20 minute workout for exercisers looking to focus in on full body movements.
Join us today for a 20 minute total body strength and low impact cardio workout for those with some exercise experience. We lead off with six strength based movements to work all your major muscle groups. We then finish with a low impact cardio circuit to improve endurance and get your heart rate up.
A 20 minute total body endurance workout for those with some exercise experience. In this workout we alternate between strength and cardio elements to keep the workout engaging and motivating. All movements will offer low impact options.
Join us today for a 25 minute total body endurance workout for those with some exercise experience. In this workout we alternate between strength and cardio elements to keep the workout engaging and motivating. All movements will offer low impact options.
Try this 15 minute intermediate workout for a nice balance of controlled strength movements with some explosive endurance training.
In just over 20 minutes Mike will help you develop some total body strength and endurance. Compound movements are performed in a circuit to provide the foundation for this workout. Options are provided and are low impact. dumbbells are required for the first two movements in the workout as is the ability to stand and kneel while exercising throughout the session.
In just over 25 minutes Liia takes you through a beginner-friendly Barre class that has easy to follow movements that are low impact. The workout is designed to target your entire body but does offer more focus on developing your legs, glute and core muscles. You will need some light dumbells for some exercises in this routine and a ballet barre or sturdy surface to use for balance is recommended.
In just over 20 minutes Shelley will get you a total body workout that develops both your strength and improves your cardio. Movements are dynamic but done with control and minimal impact to make this workout beginner-friendly. Light dumbbells are needed to get the full value out of this workout.
In this 20 minute workout, Mike has you perform circuits that will develop your entire body and help you move well and feel great! The circuit style of the class will help you improve your endurance without having to do high impact cardio. This workout is beginner friendly, has minimal impact and many options are offered. No equipment needed!
This video features classic dumbbell strength training to help you get stronger! Multi joint movements are prioritized with an emphasis on control and muscle activation. This workout is ideal for beginner to intermediate exercisers as the pacing is gentle and there is no impact.
In this workout, Melissa gives you a low impact body weight workout. The movements are easy to follow and prioritize muscle activation. This workout will be amazing for people who don't have a lot of exercise experience. No equipment needed.
A 20 minute dumbbell strength workout. Six movements are featured in this beginner-friendly class. This is a low impact, total body workout that is focused on developing muscular strength.
Brought to you by ParticipACTION and the YMCA! Taught by instructors from the YMCA GTA, this no impact workout will challenge your balance and enhance your posture through small isometric exercises that you can perform seated, with a wall support, or freestanding. No matter where you are in your fitness journey, these movements will help strengthen your joints while lengthening your muscles.
In this workout, Shelley has you focus on squats, lunges, push ups and tricep dips to develop your entire body. This workout will be a nice progression for beginner exerciser or even suitable for an experienced exerciser who is looking to develop their legs and ability to push with their upper body. No equipment needed!
In this workout, Shelley uses dumbbells to provide a total body workout that will help you improve your muscular endurance and strength. There is no impact in this class and it's suitable for those who are new to exercise or have some experience. Grab your dumbbells and let's get you strong!
In this workout, Shelley will teach you the body weight movements you typically see in a bootcamp style class. The pacing in this video is ideal for beginners and the impact is minimal. Bootcamp classes tend to be conditioning classes that use body weight and accessories. They will have high intensity sections to challenge your cardio health and muscular endurance. This workout will prepare you for those styles of workouts.
In this workout Mike uses a variety of dumbbell and body weight exercises to give you an excellent strength workout. This workout is ideal for exercisers with some experience and are comfortable with movements like squats, push ups and bent rows.
In this workout Shelley use light dumbbells and easy to follow movements to give you an excellent strength workout. Movements will cover the entire body and help you improve muscular tone, endurance and strength.
In this workout, Shelley gives you a 30 minute total body workout. Options and breaks are provided to make this work out accessible for most of our audience. Join Shelley and get strong! Exercisers of all experience levels will enjoy this workout.
Shelley has built a really creative strength workout using body weight and dumbbell. A multi joint movement kicks off each interval and then you perform a smaller, isolated movement to continue the set. This helps improve strength and endurance. Grab your dumbbells and get moving with Shelley! This is a great workout for beginner or intermediate exercisers.
In this strength workout Shelley uses dumbbells and combination movements to help you strengthen your entire body. The added element of combining movements will help you stay engaged and make the workout fly by! This is a great workout for beginner's.
In this workout, Shelley uses dumbbells to give you a phenomenal total body workout. Movements are done in traditional sets with rests format so you can focus on technique and engage each muscle group.This is a great beginner workout!
Gemma uses dumbbells and classic sets and rests to get you a great total body workout. This workout is beginner friendly and will help you activate and develop all your major muscles.
In this workout, Gemma gives you a total body dumbbell workout and then a good stretching session to wrap things up. This is a great beginner workout.
Shelley takes you through a workout that will expand on some basic strength training exercises in order to improve range of motion, and take your strength training to the next level! This is a great workout for beginners.
In this strength based workout, Mike has built an easy to follow workout that only needs one kettlebell to follow. This is a great workout to build a foundation with before you progress into our more complex kettlebell videos. This is a great workout for beginners.
Shelley will lead you through a resistance training workout that will use a towel to build strength, and improve agility. Grab a towel and Join in!
Join us today for a 20 Minute challenging work out designed to engage your core while you focus on your upper body strength. This work out is a superset circuit that allows for progressions.
Join us for a 20 minute intermediate workout. In this workout we focus on three different endurance circuits to challenge your entire body and get your heart rate up.
Join us today for a 20 minute intermediate workout. This workout is an endurance circuit that will target your entire body. You will be challenged with dynamic movements in this single circuit designed workout. Repeat the circuit a second time to create a challenging 25 minute workout. Get ready to take on this circuit challenge
Join us for a 25-minute workout using bands and total body movements. In this work out we challenge you using supersets, EMOM's and an AMRAP for programming. These changes in programming style will keep you getting stronger!!! Large loop bands needed for this workout.
Join us today for a 20-minute low impact yet challenging total body strength workout. A chair and light objects or dumbells are highly recommended for you to get the most out of this workout.
Join us for an 18-minute total body workout. Basic movements make this accessible for beginners and no equipment is needed. This workout will improve muscular strength and endurance.
Join us for a 20-minute workout helping beginners develop their strength and cardio endurance. Having a bag with some weight in it or dumbells will allow you to get the most out some movements in the workout.
A 15-minute workout with no impact and a gentle pace. Ryan and Scott deliver some creative movements to bring you a fresh element to your training! This workout will develop your entire body in a really safe and enjoyable format. A handheld dumbbell or object is recommended to get the most out of this workout.
Join us for a 15 minute bodyweight workout using advanced techniques to challenge your body. This video will prioritize unilateral arm and leg movements to challenge your bodyweight strength. A suspension trainer, or band is ideal to get the most out of the pull movement in this video.
Join us for a 25 minute Kettlebell workout. In this workout we prioritize total body movement and develop your power and strength. No impact.
Add some variety to your upper body workout with these slider exercises. You will add a challenge to favorites like push-ups an planks and enjoy some range of motion exercises for shoulders and lower back.
A 20 minute entry level workout that will get your body moving. Movements are controlled so to build the correct fundamentals exercise. This workout will target all your major muscle groups followed up with a short segment of easy to follow, low impact cardio activity to complete workout.
A 20 minute entry level workout that will get your body moving. Movements are controlled to build the correct fundamentals exercise. This workout will target all your major muscle groups followed up with a short segment of easy to follow, low impact cardio activity to complete workout.
Join us today for a 20- minute beginner workout that will give you four foundational movements to target all your major muscle groups. We then follow up with a short segment of easy to follow, low impact cardio activity to complete workout. No equipment necessary, having weights or an object to hold in some exercises will offer additional strength benefits.
Today join us for a 15-minute beginner workout that requires little to no equipment. The workout centres around functional movements to get moving well and feeling great. You will perform toning movements with recovery breaks and then complete the workout with a low impact and easy to follow cardio segment to get your heart rate up.
Join us today for a 15 minute beginner workout that is a combination of strength interval and endurance work. A great way to build on to your current muscle and cardiovascular levels.
Join us today for a 15 minute beginner strength workout. Enjoy an easy-to-follow total body workout that will help you develop strength in all your major muscle groups. No equipment needed!
Join us for a 25 minute, beginner friendly, workout using light bands for equipment. This video will give you a complete strength work out as you work through a full range of alternating low impact toning exercises.
Mix things up with this cardio interval workout. This is a beginner-friendly workout that will condition your cardiovascular fitness and is a great option for the days you’re not strength training. A range of intensity options for each exercise allows you to customize your workout every time.
Join us for a no impact 20-minute strength and flexibility workout. Light hand-held dumbbells or objects recommended. Four easy to execute strength movements and a gentle stretching segment to improve flexibility. Suitable for new exercisers or those progressing from our GOLD series.
Join us for a 30-minute challenging strength and cardio workout for the entire body. Light dumbells or objects ideal to get the most out of this workout. BEGIN 10 is our most challenging BEGIN series workout.
Join us for a body weight workout that uses compound movements to challenge your strength. Included are two short cardio elements to help you develop your cardiovascular fitness. No equipment needed!
Build core strength and improve your balance through a series of standing and lying movements. This low impact workout is a great starting point for beginners combining dynamic and static challenges for each posture.
Join us for a 20 minute body weight workout targeting all the muscles in your legs. Low impact and no equipment needed! Enjoy the mini-circuits that will develop all muscles in your legs and challenge your muscular endurance.
Join us for a 15 minute, total body workout using bands that have handles at the end. It's suggested that you have a light and medium band available to get the most out of this workout. The bands are fixed to a sturdy anchoring point at waist level throughout this video. No impact and easy to execute movements make this workout accessible for most new exercisers.
Join us for a full body circuit training workout that will get you moving for National Health & Fitness day. 3 circuits with 3 different movements that require no equipment! Low impact and modifications are given throughout this video.
Join us today for a 40 Minute Band Workout. This workout will deliver great strength development using resistance bands. Don't worry, the movements are low impact and easy to follow. Long loop bands required to complete this workout.
Join us for a 20-minute Bodyweight strength workout. Using fundamental bodyweight movements and explosive jumps you can challenge your strength with no equipment!
Join us for a 25 minute class providing a mix of traditional body weight strength exercises and cardio elements. A challenging mix of activities is offered to get you moving well and challenging your body to move in a variety of ways. No equipment needed!